【摘 要】古今中外的易学与实践都证明:易理、乐理、医理,三者相通。易学与生态文明息息相关,特别是对于调节人的内生态,更有重要意义。古人认为“医易难分”,是因为医理与易理有着内在的必然联系。古人按五行原理,将“五音”与“五脏”气化现象结合起来,用以测知、调理人的生理和病理变化,从而形成了音乐养生疗疾的物质基础。古人提出了人体五脏与五行、五音的客观对应关系,即“五声”主“五脏”的观点。中国传统的“五音”调式,也正是以“五声音阶”为主体而形成的。它是中国音乐的主流,并成为音乐养生、疗疾的基础。这些理论的形成过程,都与《周易》的思想体系有着密切联系。 -
作者:张红星,Zhang Hongxing,(沈阳音乐学院,辽宁 沈阳 110168)
(Shenyang Music University, Shenyang Liaoning, 110168)
【摘 要】古今中外的理论与实践都证明:易理、乐理、医理,三者相通。其中任何一种理论或者实践的进展与突破,都可以促进与推动其他两项理论与实践的进展与突破。周易界与音乐界、医学界联合起来,将揭示出更多的易理、乐理、医理的奥秘精微,促进哲学、科学、艺术的发展。
Abstract:It has been proved in all ages from theory and practice that China Divinatory University, musical and medical theories are interrelated with one another. The development and breakthrough of the two of them are promoted by the other. The combination of China Divinatory University, musical and medical theories will discover more mysteries among them and advance the development of philosophy, science and art.
Key words:China Divinatory University, musical theory, medical theory, five elements, five notes of traditional Chinese music, six bamboo pitch pipes among the twelve